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Quick SEO Tutorial For 2015

SEO (Search engine optimization) is one of the best ways to grow a site because it takes advantage of two key factors: 1) the exact timing of when the potential customer is searching for what you are offering, and 2) that they are taking action to look for what you are offering instead of you randomly reaching out to them. That makes website visitors who come to your site via SEO much more likely to convert into actual customers.

But SEO has been changing every year and it has gotten quite complex. But it doesn’t have to be complex. In this tutorial, we will go over the basics you need to get you quite far in your effort to get traffic from Google.
Of course, to do Google SEO, you need a website. If you don’t yet have a website, here is a tutorial for how to quickly create a great website on your own, and even get a free domain name!

Build links to your website

Google’s algorithm takes into account the kind of sites link to your site, and how good those sites are. For example, if thousands of different sites link to your site, then that must be a sign that many people think your site is worthwhile. On the other hand, if no one links to your site, then the site is probably not that worthwhile yet. Key factors for determining the benefit of a link to your site is whether the site it is coming from is relevant to your site’s topic, and the quality of that site. For example, if links to you in a news story, then that is a great link. But if a site like links to you, then that would not benefit your site at all. In fact, that would be more likely to hurt your site in the eyes of Google. Here is an article for how to build links to your site, teaching you how to get press coverage.

Some ways to build links are by guest blogging, appearing on podcasts (the podcasters link to you afterwards on their site), answer HARO queries, getting press for your business, or cold-emailing other site owners. Just don’t build low-quality links. They are more likely to damage your site than to benefit it.

Make high quality pages

Google not only considers your overall site, but also each individual page in deciding whether to rank that page in the top-10 results of Google searches. To have a high quality page, it must cover the topic it is about in depth, and preferably use some rich media like videos, photos, or other embedded rich media.
And it is always good to have at least over 300 words on the page as well. But don’t just add text to fill space. Make the text helpful to the page overall. And the more text the better.

Target keywords

With every page that you want to rank in Google, you must target some term or keywords that people search for. Choose keywords to rank for that are commonly searched for and yet are not overly competitive (if the term is too competitive, you won’t be able to rank in the top-10).

Create content regularly

Don’t just create a few pages and be done with it. Google prefers sites that create content regularly and put a lot of care into the content. Just don’t overwhelm yourself with having to create too much content on a regular basis. Just keep adding content at a pace at which you are comfortable.

Focus on long term

Google traffic accumulates over time. It is rare to have great spikes of traffic from Google. So for that reason, it is difficult to rely on Google to be your main source of traffic.  But once you get a page to rank for a particular term in Google, it usually stays there for a long time, bringing you consistent traffic every day. But it does take time to get many pages to rank well in Google. So focus on the long term with Google, and it will eventually pay off. Just don’t have too many hopes for the short term.

How to count Google traffic

If you get a page to rank in the top-10 of Google, it typically stays there for a long time. So if it drives only 1 person per day to your site, but does it over the course of the year, then it is actually 365 people that come to your site.  That is unlike social media because if you post something on Facebook, a few people may click on the link you post, but that post will disappear from people’s Facebook feeds by the next day. So you would have to post every day in order to get the same traffic.  Plus the quality of the traffic would not be the same. Traffic from Google is much better because it is new people who are seeking out what you are offering instead of re-posting to your existing audience many times and annoying them.

Learn Advanced SEO: Take My SEO Course! It is Good!

I am very excited to announce that I made my own SEO course available on Udemy. Check the link to see the full course curriculum. The course is intended to take you from beginner level, and make you a pretty savvy SEO marketer. In the course I explain Google SEO basics as well as how to leverage SEO on many other platforms that are far less competitive than Google, and get many customers for your business.
The SEO course is one of the sections of my full marketing course on Udemy. So if you want to become an amazing marketer overall, and learn how to use all kinds of different marketing strategies to help your business reach great scale, take a look at the curriculum of my full marketing course on Udemy.
Additionally, if you prefer to read rather that watch the video-based SEO course, you are welcome to get my marketing plan book. The marketing book is over 150 pages and has mostly actionable advice. I wrote it to make you an absolute pro at marketing! You can read more about the book here.

Get Press Coverage And Publicity With Links For SEO

Everyone wants PR, but few businesses are covered by major tech or general news publications. Even businesses that do get coverage, either do that through hiring a PR agency (thousands of dollars a month), have great connections, or just have incredibly amazing products. To get press coverage and publicity for a business, being very good is not enough. The business and its story have to be amazing, because there are already thousands of interesting businesses out there. The bar of quality to get PR is quite high.
Here is my tutorial for how you can get press coverage for your business. That tutorial is not just good for getting press coverage, but it is also great for generating links for your SEO and growing your social media presence because every time you get press coverage, you typically get a link to your site from whatever press publication covers your business, and you get a few social media mentions as well!

Buy Publicity

You can also purchase a publicity package on a very large radio show which will get you blog links, brand exposure via interviews, and social media links from legitimate and large accounts. Here is how you purchase that publicity package. For even more publicity, contact me directly. As a premium service I can get you an appearance on a number of blogs and podcasts, all of which will link to you from their websites.
I can also interview you for 30 minutes on my YouTube channel to get you extra exposure on YouTube. Contact me directly for rates to get exposure on my YouTube channel. Here is my business YouTube channel. Feel welcome to subscribe to the channel. There are over 300 business tutorials, all of which are free.


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