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how to embed a pdf or slider on blogger post content

 How to embed a pdf or slider on blog post contet 

Hi, this is David.Today I want to share an updated trick to embed a presentation or slide or pdf content on blogger post

Step1>Log in to your google drive and upload a pdf or presnetation content

Step2>Share this content link to public like this

Step3>Log in to your google docs account Link 

Step4>Click on the file picker shown in following picture


Step5>Find your content,select and open it 


Step6>Click the green marked option to share at the top right corner 


Step7>Click the embed option 


Step8> copy all the HTML code  

Step9>Paste the HTML code on your blogger content with HTML editing option as your wish.



After saving this u can view a slider content from google drive.

Or you can do it simply copy paste the HTML code and replace the file code with your own file code

<iframe height="500" src=" FILE CODE HERE /preview" width="650"></iframe>
<span style="font-size: x-large;"><b>

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